Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dragons and Lunar

As you may know I love dragons(After Mir of course), and this love started with a Game called Lunar: The Silver Star and it's sequel Lunar:Eternal Blue . This series to this day is one of my alltime favorite series, So I was Estatic when I heared about the PsP remake of Silver Star, and even more so when I heared about the NA localization and publisher was Xseed.
(these pics all came fromLunarNet)

I got unusually into finding more Lunar info and came across a online quiz to find out which Lunar dragon you are:

alt="What Lunar dragon are you?" />

In other new Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland Is due to arrive today!!!

Update: It has arrived

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Back in the game

Now that I'm feeling better time to get back to my gaming.

Cross Edge has turned out to be really good , I have so much fun just batting constantly . I'm currently in 2-3 and about to move on.

I am also trying to get the true ending since I never did with my Jp copy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Feelings I don't understand

My opinions flushed down the drain
My ideas and thoughts left all alone
people who see me dont really see me
just the dried husk left on the bone
feelings of sadness, anger and worry
fill up my recurring days
while every one elese is in a hurry
not caring what anyone says

Oh why why why wont this feeling leave?
why why why does it linger today?
I hope it dosen't stay much longer
i want to hurry and go my own way.