Monday, May 30, 2011

wel hello there long time not posting. not much to post here but some poems about how i feel about my goddamed life right now.

The Broken Bridge

My life is under The Broken Bridge
it was once shiny and new
but over time it lost its sheen
started to fall apart beam by beam
the traffic dispersed and moved away
but here I am I will stay
I don't care what outer may say
I"ll stay here under The Broken Brigde


As i ponder here at the table
i relise groups are just labels
family just a word, it doesn't exist
betrayal from them just causes more fits
this is meloncholic be it minutes or years
see all anger rage sadness and tears
seeing thing clearly in pieces and bits
this isn't life we simply exist

Friday, February 4, 2011

Another Great RPG year

Sorry to anyone who actually rads my blos for not updating in a long time. some things have been happing in my life.

Last year was agreat year in the rpg sense and thi yrear is starting to look jut as good with it confimed localizations, the list is as follows:

Ar tonlico Qooga(PS3)
Dragon Quest VI(Ds)
Disgaea 4(PS3)
Hterdimensional Neptunia(PS3)
Radient Historia(DS)
Record of Agarest War Zero(PS3 and 360)
Tales of Graces F(PS3 possibly wii as well)
The Legend of Heroes: Trail in the sky(PSP)
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll(PS3)
YS i and II chronicles(PSP)

And this is a list of just the ones confirmed!

Fist one ouWill be Neptunia wich is in a little over 2 weeks away!! Im so exited!!