As you may know I love dragons(After Mir of course), and this love started with a Game called Lunar: The Silver Star and it's sequel Lunar:Eternal Blue . This series to this day is one of my alltime favorite series, So I was Estatic when I heared about the PsP remake of Silver Star, and even more so when I heared about the NA localization and publisher was Xseed.

(these pics all came from
I got unusually into finding more Lunar info and came across a online quiz to find out which Lunar dragon you are:
alt="What Lunar dragon are you?" />
In other new Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland Is due to arrive today!!!
Update: It has arrived
I love Lunar. I was really aware of my gaming surroundings when the Sega CD games came out (since I was only 3-5 years old), but I remember seeing Lunar: Silver Star Story back in 1999. I fell in love with the series right then. I made certain that for my 11th birthday, I got Eternal Blue for the PS1. Best birthday ever.
I have both Sega CD and PS1 Lunar games, but I have only beaten Lunar: The Silver Star on Sega CD (not too long ago, either.), and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue on the PS1. I blame my collection. There are just too many games needing my attention.
As for the PSP remake of Silver Star. I had mixed feelings about this when I heard about it. I thought, "This is amazing! I can't wait to be able to play this!" But then I also thought about the English Localization. To me, Lunar isn't Lunar in the US without Working Designs behind it. But I was put at ease a little when I saw that XSeed was going to be the one localizing it.
I'm much the same, and will see how well it turns. my biggest worry is Ghaleon's Voice. I just can't imagine anyone else doing it.
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