5 days ago NIS America officially announced Ar tonelico 3 for localization as Ar tonelico Qooga: Knell of Ar Ciel. This is great news imo, but has led me to a somwhat akward conclusion. For the past 3 years I've been importing select games new(Agarest War, X-Edge, Atelier Rorona, WKC, And Ar tonelico 3), and all of these have been localized(or have been announced for one)... coincidence? maybe, but i decided to do a litmus test of sorts with two game I hoped would get a localization: Tale of Vesperia PS3 and Ar tonelico 3.
I bought AT3, while I held off on ToV. Guss what? AT3 is announced, while I have lost hope on Vesperia. Yeah I know Namdai's ficke, but this is just one example.
Guess I'm cursed(or blessed depending on how you see it) with my new import collection being localized.
Two models now in line for a hard strike...
...with three more coming in line during the early period (as they don't go
out far enough). Now the Navy Nogaps is also showing a cat 3 strike on the